Selected illustrations
Magazine illustration (Suomen Luonto, 2024)

Illustrations for a music booklet (Spelmän Ohoj, Norpas ry, 2024)

Illustrations for an online bicycle route guide (LAB University of Applied Sciences, 2023)

Illustrations for another online bicycle route guide (LAB University of Applied Sciences, 2023)

Guide book illustration (Sagalund Barnkulturcenter, 2023)

Magazine illustration (Nuori Voima magazine, 2023)

Magazine illustration (Nuori Voima magazine, 2022)

Art poster (Visit Seili, 2022)

Magazine cover illustration (Kemiönsaaren luonto ry, 2022)

Book cover (Jaska Poikonen, 2022)

Illustrations for music and birdwatching project (Soiva linturetki Helsingissä project for Helsinki Day, 2021)

Website illustrations (, Sibelius Academy, 2021)

Magazine illustrations (Nuori Voima magazine 2021)

Magazine illustrations (Nuori Voima magazine 2020)

Magazine illustration (Nuori Voima magazine 2019)